Is Bluestacks safe, huh? Is Bluestacks legal for you? These are perhaps the first questions that come to mind when people are introduced to Bluestacks, which was the first Android emulator available on the Internet. It would not be unexpected if such concerns were posed. Of course, nobody wants to use something illicit or something that might hurt their machine. With this post, I will satisfy your curiosity about the protection and legality of Bluestacks.

What is the Bluestacks?

Bluestacks is the most common and free-to-use simulator. It's capable of converting your Windows device into an Android world. It achieves this by simulating a full Android phone on your screen. The simulator was first launched in 2009 and ran on Android 2.3 Gingerbread, but it came a long way from there.

emulators are apps used to simulate the Android operating system on your machine.But you could say, "Why do you need Android emulators when we've already got Android phones?"

It comes into use while there's no Android software available for Windows or Linux. The perfect example of this is the Snapchat messenger. While there is an Android and iOS version for tablets, there is no official application to use Snapchat on your device or Mac. You can now use Snapchat on your machine using the Bluestacks Software Player.

If you're an app maker, this program is convenient for your workstation. Typical machines are running on Windows and Mac operating systems. Through downloading an Android simulator on your workstation, you don't need to move your software to another device to try it.

If you're a gamer, Android emulators like Bluestacks can give you a lot of gaming benefits. Aside from playing these games on a larger computer, you can play without interference from other apps, and you don't have to rely on minimal battery capacity.

Bluestacks 4 is the new version and is also the best emulator to date. There is no justification for you to be afraid of the protection and legality of Bluestacks. I recommend you go to download the Bluestacks and check it out. You're going to enjoy all the Android applications right on your phone. In the meantime, here is confirmation of my argument that Bluestacks is secure and legitimate.

Is Bluestacks acceptable?

BlueStacks is an acceptable platform developed by a respectable firm called BlueStacks Systems, Inc.Investors include Andreessen Horowitz, Redpoint, Samsung, Intel, Qualcomm, Citrix, Radar Partners, Ignition Partners and AMD, amongst others. BlueStacks App Player reportedly has over 370 million subscribers in 212 countries and territories across the globe, so indeed, it is legal.

Is Bluestacks Legal?

Now that we have decided that BlueStacks is legitimate software, the next question that comes to mind is, "Is BlueStacks legal? ”

The use of BlueStacks is entirely legitimate since it only emulates an Android operating system, which is an open-source operating system. If a program seeks to replicate the hardware of a physical computer, this is where the use of the simulator becomes unlawful.

Some examples of unauthorized emulators are Nintendo and Gameboy emulators, since they require copies of physical game system ROM hardware (which are usually pirated copies).

BlueStacks also does not change or adjust the gameplay, as opposed to stealing and hacking engines originating from shady outlets. Bluestacks is also legitimate.

Is Bluestacks Safe?

Bluestacks has a wide number of customers, including major names including Samsung, Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, and IGG. And you can be confident you're going to have the best security out there. And because investors' trust is often based on what they invest in, they take particular care that there is no lack of protection. Here you can see the entire list of investors.

As for the security side, several users mentioned that their antivirus programs were flagging the Bluestacks software player. And he showed a sign that he had a trojan in it. This was a very old edition, though. And when I was using it, Kaspersky didn't even show me any sort of warning after scanning it. As long as ransomware is concerned, you should be confident that there is no such thing.

You might wonder, if there is no malware, why does Bluestacks ingest data in the background? The response to that is in Bluestacks. Anonymous statistics are immediately sent to their servers to boost Bluestacks. It does not provide any sensitive details. And if you ever like it's not safe and you're intrusive of your privacy, you can toggle this option off in the settings.

There's one thing some people may be concerned about. Since several game developers have funded Bluestacks as well. You are forced to download one supported app every day after the initial trial duration.

You can either download a supported app or buy a premium edition of Bluestacks for $2 per month. While you might like to blame Bluestacks for this, they've got to do more to gain money to keep Bluestacks moving.

With all this information about Bluestacks, there's no excuse to suggest it's not safe, so yeah, Bluestacks is safe.


I've been using Bluestacks for the last year and a half. And they have never encountered any protection or privacy concerns. Having to download supported apps may seem suspicious. So if you're a serious user, start opting for the paid edition instead of downloading the free software version all the time.

If you ever have some questions about your safety when using Bluestacks, please feel free to query them in the comments section below.