BlueStacks is one of the best Android emulators that can be used to make the most of the features. However, your PC/laptop needs to follow some of the basic specifications to run the BlueStacks Android emulator on it. These specifications are set out below.

System specifications for BlueStacks 4 as follows:
  • Microsoft Windows 7 and beyond.
  • Cpu: AMD or Intel Processor.
  • RAM: Your PC must have at least 2GB of RAM on it.
  • HDD: 5GB of free storage space.
  • You've got to be an administrator on your PC.
  • Modified graphics drivers from Microsoft or the manufacturer of chipsets.
Steps To Install Bluestacks:

Phase 1-Open a web server on your PC/laptop and go to this website at Here you'll find a way to download BlueStacks. To download the appropriate files, click on it.

Note: You can also find the same connection on, so you can also opt to download bluestacks from our blog.

Phase 2-As soon as the files are downloaded, head over to the 'Downloads' folder and double left-click the file to start downloading BlueStacks on your PC/laptop.

Phase 3-On the dialog box that appears on your computer, press 'Accept' to continue with the installation of Bluestacks on your PC/laptop.

Phase 4-Follow the dialog boxes that appear one after the other and keep clicking 'Next' before the 'Setup' option appears in one of the dialog boxes.

Phase 5-As soon as you press 'Update,' the final installation stage will be begun and a shortcut will appear on your PC/laptop home screen.

You will use this shortcut to easily reach BlueStacks on your PC/laptop. This is what you need to do to quickly download and update BlueStacks on your PC.

This is the method of installing the new edition of BlueStacks to your PC/laptop. However, BlueStacks developers keep upgrading the app periodically, so you can bookmark our page to update the new update as soon as it is released. A lot of new improvements have been added to the current releases, and a lot of glitches have been patched. If your PC/laptop is unable to run BlueStacks 4 (the new version) then you can try using BlueStacks 1, 2 or 3 whose update and installation process is almost the same.

If you have any questions about the download process or any other queries about BlueStacks, please let us know in the comments section below.