Windows 10 is also available as a free update for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 owners. Microsoft also launched a range of keyboard shortcuts to navigate between new features, such as interactive desktops, and also to enable a new Cortana digital assistant. The the essential add-ons use the Windows command, so they're easy to trigger. If you are a trackpad owner, there are also some changes: Tapping three fingers activates Cortana (you can adjust this to activate Action Center), wiping three fingers up reveals the new Activity View, and wiping three fingers left or right alternates between apps. These are some of the most popular Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts:

Shortcut KeysDescription
Windows KeyOpen the Start Menu and close it.
Windows Key + CLaunches Cortana in the style of listening. Users may talk to open applications, directories, or websites.
Windows Key + DSwitches between hide and view both desktop software and programs.
Windows Key + LLock the screen.
Windows Key + SIt launches Cortana. Users will type in to locate services, files or websites
Windows Key + Left ArrowThe active window shows the docks on the left side of the active camera.
Windows Key + Right ArrowThe active window shows the docks on the right side of the active panel
Windows Key + Up ArrowMaximizes the working window to full screen.
Windows Key + Down ArrowResets or minimizes the active window.
Windows Key + Shift + Left ArrowMoves the active window to the left display (Requires dual monitors).
Windows Key + Shift + Right ArrowMoves the active window to the right side of the display (Requires dual monitors).
Windows Key + Prt ScanTakes a picture of the screen and puts it in the folder Pictures/Screenshots. 
It is important to remember that each of these particular shortcuts (e.g. Windows Key + Up Arrow & Windows Key + Down Arrow) can function differently depending on whether or not the active window currently in use is docked or free floating.

If you have any questions about the shortcut keys or any other, please let me know in the comments section below.