earn money from facebook

 Hello friends, today I am going to tell you how to make money with Facebook. At this age, everyone has connected to Facebook, whether they are young or old or old or young, boys or girls, everyone accesses Facebook on mobile phone, and many people come to spend time on Facebook and many people. Share your posts and use them in your popularity. You can also make money through Facebook, you must have heard of that, as I said in the previous post, you can make money online in 2021 through various ways such as blogging, youtube, and from other ways, and in the same way, we can also make money on the Internet.

Introduction Of Facebook
This is a social media website that allows you to keep in touch with your close friends and family and also by calling and talking through this site. It is the world's most popular social media platform. Creating a Facebook account is much easy, but here  I want to tell you about the Facebook page.

How To Make Facebook Page And How To Earn From It
If you start Facebook on your computer or mobile phone, various icons will appear on your home page, then click on it, then you will see the option to create the page, you need to click on it. Yes, then you would write on the left. Create a Page. You will then need to fill out a form, which will give you the page name, category, and description, and you can choose the best category for your page. After choosing a category, you will need to enter some category information, for example, if you choose a brand or a product, you will need to specify your website and name the page۔ Order and click start. Now you need to upload the page profile icon and cover photo. Your Facebook page is ready.

So, here are the steps to how you can earn money from your Facebook page.

Find Best Niche
You should create your Facebook page so that people are ready to open the page after viewing and liking it. You may want to share some posts about it. That you can fill. There will be information. Before sharing your post, make sure you write good content on your post so that people will like your page, so you need to find a place where you can share good posts.

Establish connections on Facebook
If your page becomes very popular then you need to place ads on your page, it is very important to create a relationship in marketing, if you have ads on your page, you can earn money through it. it will be very helpful to boost your Facebook earnings fast.

Earn Money Through Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing means that when you pay a commission to sell your product, you can earn a lot of money from any online purchase (Amazon, Flipkart, and Snapdeal). For this, you need to create an account on the linked sites, then you can share the link of any product on this site, if you click the link on your page and buy the product from which you get the commission, then you can create your account. If you have a Facebook group and invite a large number of people to it, you may earn money by sharing your posts, sponsored posts, advertisements, and so on. or any product link on it. Assuming many of your groups have Facebook groups and multiple affiliate members and you cannot manage any other groups, you can sell your own group to earn more money. It demands that if someone wants to buy this game, they must ask for money and win a lot of money.

Earn Money By Using Facebook Watch
So, now I am going to tell you about Facebook Watch, a new Facebook video streaming service that was launched by Facebook in August 2017, where you can earn money by creating and uploading videos to Facebook. It is an easy way to make money from Facebook but a user has to follow some rules which are as under:

1:Your video should be long such as 2 to 5 mins.
2:Your videos will be shown for 3 months and more than 20,000 people viewed your video.
3:Your Facebook page must have more than 10,000 likes
4:You would be active daily on your Facebook page for 90 days.

Earn Money From Pay Per Click
Pay per click is an online advertising form that is used to drive traffic to a website. Once connected to this network, it can be used to post ads on your Facebook page. Then when they see your ad or click on it, they will pay you.
Earn Money From Pay Per Visit
In it, you have to connect to the PPV network and share your videos online and earn more traffic, if you gain more views then you can earn more money.

So friends, how do you make money on Facebook?  I hope you will be very aware of this, and you can earn a lot of money through Facebook, I hope you have fully understood this publication and it has been very useful, our publication is for you. Share with all your friends so that it is ours too. I hope you have enjoyed this post, if you have any questions then feel free to leave your comment in comment box or contact me on Instagram.