What is google AdSense?

Google AdSense is a program run by google through which you can make money from your content such as blog, youtube videos and websites. when people visit your blog or website they see the ads displayed by the google and they click on them for each click on ad publisher will get money.

How to set up Google AdSense account?

Setting up google AdSense account is much easier you can setup your account by following points :

2:Click on Get Started

3:Enter the URL of your site you wants to show ads on

4:Enter your email address

5:Choose you like or not AdSense send you customized help and performance suggestions

6:Click save and continue

7:Sign in to your account

8:Select your country

9: Accept Terms and Condition 

10: Click Create account 

How to activate your AdSense account?

Activation of google AdSense account is quite easy but it takes sometime may be it takes 24 hours or more than 1 or 2 weeks its depend on google AdSense team in how much days or week they will activate your account if you wants to activate your account in some days then your website or blog have to meet AdSense criteria such as privacy policy or other things.
for activation of your account you have to follow following points:

1:connect your site to AdSense

2:Enter your payment details such as address

3:verify your phone number

4:Click done or submit 

After these tasks completed AdSense team will review your site and email you when it is fully activated.

How to earn money through google AdSense? 

After your AdSense account get activated then you have to place ads on your site or blog or if you don't know how to place ads on your site or blog then you can watch videos from youtube about ads placement.

Now, when people visits your blog or site then ads will appear they can see and click on it then the publisher will get pay. earning from google AdSense also depends on the traffic of your site or blog if your blog recive good traffic daily like 10k or above then publisher will get good pay.

Note: Never click on your own ads to earn money more if you do this AdSense will ban your account because it is against AdSense policy

 AdSense AdSense withdraw methods

Following are the ways from which you will get paid:



3:Wire Transfer

4:Western Union

5:Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT)
suggestion: i suggest you to use Western Union as a payment method because it is a safe and easy to get pay out.

Final thoughts: AdSense is a best program run by the google there are many alternates available but AdSense is a best program because it gives best payments on per click.